Friday, April 29, 2016

The GIANTS stadium

Do you think that you want to talk with some of the Giants player? If you go to Giants stadium, you can realize this hope. I'll introduce it now. It's in the city of Inagi in Tokyo, near Yomiuri Land, a popular amusement park. The Giants stadium is mainly used for baseball practice and games of the Giants farm team. There are an outside field and an indoor practice field, so you can watch practices even if it rains.

I often go there, because I want to watch practices and games, to take pictures of players and to talk with players. This is one of my memories in the Giants stadium. The picture at the top is when I got the signature of Fujimura Daisuke and I took a picture with Ohrui Susumu who is my best player. But he was traded from the Giants to the Fighters this year. The second picture is a spring training camp in 2014. The players ran and stretched. After this, they practiced their practice schedule. For example, they hit fungoes for fielding practice like in the third picture. I like this scene, because they were practicing for all they were worth. It is very cool, so I was lost in admiration for them. Today, player who live in a dormitory of the Giants get on a pick-up bus when they get home. However, they had gone to the Giants stadium by bicycle until Ohta Taishi was injured when he went home by bicycle. (The bottom of picture.)

If you want to see players, you should go there! I think you can have an exchange with players so close up, and it's exciting. But be careful; don't say bad things about the Giants. Because this is the Giants home stadium, so people who go there are almost all fans of the Giants.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Hayato Sakamoto

Sakamoto recorded the most base hits.
This is my first blog post. I'm Japanese and a student of Tsurumi University. I love Japanese professional baseball, and I have been a "Yomiuri Kyojingun (GIANTS)" fan about for 10 years. My grandfather was this team's fan, and he taught me its good points and players for me. In this blog, I'll introduce GIANTS's news and players. I want you to be interested in the GIANTS (or
 Japanese professional baseball) when you read my blog. The Japanese professional baseball season began on March 25th, so let's watch the game!!

I bought it.
I'll introduce one of the popular baseball player in GIANTS. He is Hayato Sakamoto. He is in blog's background, and I took this picture. He is the most my favorite player. He was born in 1988, so he is 27 years old now, but he is a captain of the GIANTS. His position is a mainly short stop, but sometimes first or second baseman. His play is great. His most inpressive game was in the final game of the 2012 season. I watched this game in Tokyo Dome. In this game, he recorded the most base hits with Hisayoshi Chono, who is Sakamoto's teammate. When Sakamoto hit the same number of Chono's 173 hits, he shed tears at second base because of delight. I watched this scene from the outfield cheering section with my friend, and I shed tears, too. Of course, the GIANTS won the game. He is my most cheerful player, so I was very happy!! This picture is after Sakamoto recorded the most base hits, and a picture of a black T-shirt is that was sold in memory of his record.
Last year, Sakamoto took part in the Yakuruto Swallows game as a cleanup hitter. He became a cleanup hitter for the first time since he became a Japanese professional baseball player. Cleanup is the most important spot in the batting order. I was glad that he became cleanup, but a happier thing is that this game's day was my birthday!! So I was so happy.I hope his performance this season is as great as that time.